
Welcome to the Achievements section of Son Ultime.

Immerse yourself in the world of melodies, exceptional projects and stories of transformation. Explore how Son Ultime has harmonized audio with unique experiences for our customers. From high-end audio installations to bespoke solutions, our work will give you a glimpse of what's possible when passion for sound meets expertise.

Join us in this sonic quest, where each project is a melody in its own right. A symphony of audio successes.


    161 B&W, McIntosh, Auralic, Shunyata


    160 Installation McIntosh MC451

    9 Photos


    159 Installation Ultrafeet MC, McIntosh MT5

    10 Photos


    158 Installation 801D4 et McIntosh

    9 Photos


    157 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 801D4

    6 Photos


    156 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 803D4

    5 Photos


    155 Salon Audio de Montréal 2024

    4 Photos


    154 Installation 801D4, MX123A, C53, MC1.25KW

    7 Photos


    153 Installation Shunyata Omega Sigma V2

    9 photos


    152 Système Hybride Stéréo Cinéma Phase #1

    19 photos


    151 Installation McIntosh MT10, Maxima Amator, Shunyata Gemini 8

    10 photos


    150 Salon Audio de Montréal 2023

    6 photos


    149 Événement Soirée Audio chez Charles (3e édition)

    10 Photos


    148 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4

    7 Photos


    147 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 802 D4

    1 Photos


    146 Installation Sonus Faber Amati G5, McIntosh, Auralic, Oracle

    11 Photos


    145 Installation McIntosh XRT1.1K

    13 Photos


    144 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 802 D4, McIntosh, Shunyata

    6 Photos


    143 Installation Cinéma McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins

    14 Photos


    142 Installation Classé Audio

    9 Photos


    141 Installation McIntosh, Sonus Faber

    7 Photos


    140 Installation Cinéma Phase #3

    5 Photos


    139 Salon Audio de Montréal 2022

    6 Photos


    138 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4

    6 Photos


    137 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 804 D4

    8 Photos


    135 Installation Shunyata Research

    14 Photos


    134 Installation Sonus Faber Il Cremonese

    9 Photos


    133 Nouveauté Shunyata Research chez Son Ultime!

    12 Photos


    132 Installation McIntosh MC1.25KW

    3 Photos


    131 Installation Marantz, Sonus Faber

    14 Photos


    130 Installation Auralic Vega G2.1, McIntosh C1100, MC901

    14 Photos


    129 Installation Audio Research

    19 Photos


    128 Installation McIntosh MT10

    16 Photos


    127 Installation McIntosh MX123, MA12000, MC255

    12 Photos


    126 Installation Bowers & Wilkins, McIntosh, Audioquest

    17 Photos


    125 Installation Oracle Delphi Signature, McIntosh, Sonus Faber

    26 Photos


    124 Nouveauté Sonus Faber Maxima Amator

    11 Photos


    123 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 703 S2, McIntosh MA5300

    9 Photos


    122 Installation Sonus Faber Amati, McIntosh, Audioquest

    14 Photos


    121 Installation Cinema Bowers & Wilkins, McIntosh, Norstone

    17 Photos


    120 Installation Sonus Faber Lilium

    22 Photos


    119 Installation Bowers & Wilkins, McIntosh, Quadraspire

    30 Photos


    118 Installation Cinéma Phase #2

    18 Photos


    117 Installation Bowers & Wilkins, McIntosh, Oracle Audio

    13 Photos


    116 Installation McIntosh, Sonus Faber, Quadraspire, Oracle Audio

    21 Photos


    115 Installation Audio Research, Norstone

    9 Photos


    114 Installation Bowers & Wilkins, McIntosh, REL

    16 Photos


    113 Installation Sonus Faber Sonetto V

    10 Photos


    112 Installation McIntosh MX123, Norstone Spider

    10 Photos


    111 Installation Audio Research REF Phono 3SE

    17 Photos


    110 Nouveauté Audio Research chez Son Ultime!

    32 Photos


    109 Installation Audioquest, McIntosh, Sonus Faber

    9 Photos


    108 Installation Sonus Faber Il Cremonese, McIntosh, Audioquest

    25 Photos


    107 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 802 D3

    14 Photos


    106 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 800 D3

    8 Photos


    105 Installation Sonus Faber, McIntosh, Audioquest

    15 Photos


    104 Comparaison Mcintosh MC901, MC2152

    3 Photos


    103 Installation McIntosh, Sonus Faber, Audioquest

    31 Photos


    102 Installation Sonus Faber, McIntosh, Oracle Audio

    5 Photos


    101 Livraison Bowers & Wilkins 804 D3

    6 Photos


    100 Installation Cinema Bowers & Wilkins

    10 Photos


    99 Installation Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition

    19 Photos


    98 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 804 D3, McIntosh MA352

    13 Photos


    97 Installation McIntosh, Audioquest, Norstone

    14 Photos


    96 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 803 D3

    25 Photos


    95 Installation McIntosh MX123, MC257

    15 Photos


    94 Événement Son Ultime McIntosh MC1.25KW, MC901

    4 Photos


    93 Installation Cinéma Phase #1

    48 Photos


    92 Installation McIntosh, Audioquest, Quadraspire

    15 Photos


    91 Salon Audio de Montréal 2019

    22 Photos


    90 Nouveauté REL S/812

    20 Photos


    89 Installation McIntosh MC1.25KW

    9 Photos


    88 Installation Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII

    26 Photos


    87 Installation McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins

    32 Photos


    86 Installation Cinéma McIntosh, Bowers & Wilkins

    59 Photos


    85 Installation Bowers & Wilkins 800 D3

    27 Photos


    84 Installation McIntosh, Sonus Faber, REL, Audioquest

    43 Photos


    83 Installation McIntosh MT5

    25 Photos


    82 Événement Soirée Audio chez Charles (2e édition)

    13 Photos


    80 Événement Son Ultime Auralic

    10 Photos


    79 Installation Sonus Faber, McIntosh, Audioquest

    20 Photos


    78 Nouveauté McIntosh MC2152

    27 Photos


    77 Installation McIntosh C1100, MC1.25KW

    27 Photos


    76 Événement Son Ultime McIntosh MT5

    7 Photos


    75 Voyage Italie, Visite Sonus Faber

    82 Photos


    74 Installation Mcintosh MC1.25KW

    7 Photos


    73 Installation Sonus Faber Sonetto V

    27 Photos


    72 Installation Mcintosh MC1.25KW

    9 Photos


    71 Installation Sonetto VIII, MA8900

    23 Photos


    70 Événement Son Ultime REL G1 Mark II

    16 Photos


    69 Nouveauté REL G1 MK II

    18 Photos


    68 Nouveauté Sonus Faber chez Son Ultime!

    37 Photos


    67 Événement Son Ultime Soirée chez Charles

    21 Photos


    66 Événement Rel Acoustics

    16 Photos


    65 Installation McIntosh C1100, MC601

    10 Photos


    64 Installation Tannoy, McIntosh

    17 Photos


    63 Salon Audio de Montréal 2018

    20 Photos


    62 Événement Son Ultime Audioquest, Oracle Delphi Signature

    12 Photos


    61 Installation Tannoy, McIntosh

    6 Photos


    60 Événement Son Ultime Tannoy Legacy

    19 Photos


    59 Événement Son Ultime Tannoy Kingdom Royal, GF90

    9 Photos


    58 Événement Son Ultime Tannoy Definition Sub, SuperTweeter

    15 Photos


    57 Événement Son Ultime Tubes, Transistors

    17 Photos


    56 Nouveauté McIntosh MA8900, MA9000

    33 Photos


    55 Nouveauté SolidTech Radius

    33 Photos


    54 Événement Son Ultime Amps

    22 Photos


    53 Événement Son Ultime Préamps

    25 Photos


    52 Installation Tannoy, McIntosh

    25 Photos


    51 Événement Son Ultime Audioquest

    22 Photos


    50 Installation Tannoy, McIntosh

    52 Photos


    49 Événement Son Ultime Oracle Audio

    34 Photos


    48 Installation McIntosh

    49 Photos


    47 Nouveauté McIntosh C1100

    26 Photos


    46 Installation Tannoy GRF90

    6 Photos


    45 Nouveauté McIntosh MC601

    19 Photos


    44 Installation Oracle Origine

    15 Photos


    43 Événement Son Ultime Bryston, McIntosh

    24 Photos


    42 Installation Cinéma Tannoy, McIntosh

    14 Photos


    41 Événement Son Ultime Bryston, Audioquest

    26 Photos


    40 Installation Tannoy, McIntosh, BlueSound

    23 Photos


    39 Gagnant du Concours Tannoy, Salon Audio de Montréal 2017

    6 Photos


    38 Installation Cinéma Tannoy, Bryston, Audioquest

    60 Photos


    37 Salon Audio de Montréal 2017

    51 Photos


    36 Nouveauté McIntosh D1100

    11 Photos


    35 Nouveauté JVC Pro DLA-RS420

    13 Photos


    34 Voyage CES Las Vegas 2017

    39 Photos


    32 Nouveauté Oracle Origine

    42 Photos


    23 Événement Son Ultime Tannoy Prestige

    31 Photos


    16 Salon Audio de Montréal 2016

    32 Photos


    14 Salon Audio de Montréal 2015

    48 Photos


    10 Salon Audio de Montréal 2014

    24 Photos


    9 Nouveauté Tannoy Kensington GR

    4 Photos