53 Ultimate Sound Event Preamps

Audiophile Evening Son Ultime 7, special Preamps!

This is what an Ultimate Sound party for audiophiles looks like!

This time, we were invited to Jean, a great audiophile and long-time customer
even going back to my “time” as an Advisor at formerly Bourget Stéréo, at
Sherbrooke 6-7 years ago.

Jean simply has, and I firmly believe this, the most incredible acoustic room that
I was able to listen to this day! We are talking here about an enormous piece which can be compared to a
ballroom in a century-old house.

An absolutely fantastic acoustic room that is every Audiophile's dream!
Throughout the evening, we compared different preamplifiers in order to
categorize our listening impressions and classify them by type of sound. As
always, very varied opinions were omnipresent throughout the evening!

To know the results, please contact me, it will be my greatest pleasure
to tell you about it!

A big thank you to Jean, as always, for his warm welcome! =)

See you next evening!

Equipment of this Achievement